Every Network Site build on the MainCross system has 1 or more channels. Simple networks can have a few channels, while complex Networks can have 1000s of channels (eg NextElection). Channels follow a TOP channel model. TOP stands for Topics, Organizations and Personas, and quite closely resembles how real life social structures and relationships are built.
Each TOP channel is a heavy weight mechanism of organizing information and participation - it creates a unique microsite for a topic, or organization or persona, with dynamic information, updates, conversations, content, interactions, reviews and ratings, products etc all organized and accessible under that TOP channel within a single URL. This is a powerful system that has no equivalent on any other network.
Channels can only be created by the Network Operator and utilized by everyone (users and members).
Advanced help for network operators: Configuring channels.
Contributing into a channel#
All users of the network have the right to contribute to channels. The contribution could be interactions with the widgets for rating, reviews etc, or it could be publishing a post. Contributions are instantly available to all the channel subscribers worldwide.
Subscribing to channels#
On any MainCross network site, members don't "follow" other members. Instead, members subscribe to one or more TOP channels, and get updates from that channel in their personalized home feed and via optional notifications.
Curation and uniqueness#
TOP channels are curated by the network. In other words, a general user cannot create TOP channels, and the system guarantees that there is only one unique TOP channel.
Channel feed#
Every channel has a comprehensive feed with 3 different ways to view the feed using a feed filter: popular, latest or curated.
Channel access#
Some channels are not public and content is gated via a login wall, or access wall, or pay wall. Some channels may show teasers of the content, and require one to get or purchase access to the content. Some channels are completely private and are not even accessibly unless one knows the channel URL.
PS: Forget what you know#
If you are so used to the existing networks, you may still be thinking in terms of the constrained structures they have created. We urge you to put aside for a while your existing knowledge and look at the MainCross system with fresh eyes.
Further reading: An innovative new network model