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28 Jul, 2023
Last edited: 24 Feb, 2024, 2:18 PM
Directory service

Public directory - showcase partner members (listing, contact, map), and optionally onboard into a comprehensive Organization channel. Private directory - Maintain a private & secure member directory, with custom search/filter, and auto sync with with member data.

Two kinds of Directory Service are available:

  1. Public Directory - a paid add-on feature on lower plans
  2. Private Directory - a paid add-on feature on all plans

Initial setup#

Directory Service requires initial setup and data migration-in by MainCross support. Due to the variety of data schemas and formats, there is no self-service mechanism available for this.

A database of members and member information needs to be provided during Network setup in any form - spreadsheets, database dump, or even load-in from an API. The incoming data is cleaned, normalized and loaded into the MainCross cloud and made available on the Network. This is called "inorganic data".

  1. If required, new/updated data can also be migrated in periodically.
  2. On need basis, the entire data dump can be exported and made available to the Network Owner for a fee.

The Directory data being maintained on the MainCross cloud is always up-to-date. Undeliverable email IDs or phone numbers are automatically scrubbed on a continuous basis. Further, if the Directory is setup for auto sync with member information, then the latest member information automatically updates the information in the Directory.

Note that Digest Mails are also delivered to all Directory members, in addition to usual delivery to the signed-up members ("organic data") of the service.

Public Directory#

Some end applications being built on the MainCross platform require a digital equivalent of the yellow pages, coupled with high quality search.

A prime example is an industry association which has 100s or 1000s of member companies. An efficient mechanism is required to showcase all the association members, and to be able to find the right member quickly via search and facet filtering. The last thing any visitor wants to do is scroll through 100s of listings in order to find the association member.

See a public example on the FIGSI Digital Hub. Public directories are accessible to any visitor of the service.

The public Directory is resistant to automated methods of data scraping - even though a lot of contact information is made available, the data cannot be used for spamming.

Public Directory is a paid add-on feature on lower plans, and bundled on higher plans.

Private Directory#

Some end applications being built on the MainCross platform require the maintenance of internal contact lists, coupled with high quality search, optional custom features (eg ability to send 1:1 messages to a contact) or reports (eg view upcoming birthdays), and with the ability to segment and deliver bulk digest mails, and/or service updates, etc.

An example of this is politician cadre contact lists with many different demographic parameters, profile photo etc.

This Directory Service is only made available in the Pro Dashboard for the Network Heroes. It offers sophisticated search and facet filtering by demographic parameters, as well as direct contact methods.

A further security measure is available for highly confidential data.

It is expected that individuals and organizations from the inorganic contact list will, over time, create their accounts on the service. Thus, the Private Directory usually operates together with another optional feature - Network Roles. This allows the Private Directory to be updated on an ongoing basis as follows:

  1. Data (on a form) is collected from members during signup ("organic data"), is matched with the Private Directory data ("inorganic data") using a unique identifier which is usually the phone number, and then automatically synced in.
  2. Additionally, organic member data is synced into the Private Directory periodically from time to time to capture changes in data post signup, eg update of photo, or any other demographic details.
Private Directory is a paid add-on feature on all plans.
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