The short answer is because owning direct communication channels with digital consumers and community is key to long-term success. And this is true across industries. Aware and engaged consumers are the ones that convert. And those conversions happen best on your own branded digital network.
The long answer is:
No sources of distraction = More retention and strong brand positioning
In an era of overwhelming social media and AI-generated content, attention is even more critical than ever before. The MainCross digital network builder provides all the tools to power a content site, engage consumers and build belongingness and trust on your own distraction-free and branded platform. In the long run, that’s what gets conversions.
More consumer time spent = Higher conversion and community building
The core thesis is this: the more time consumers spend with you or on your digital platform, the more likely they are to convert – that is to buy from you, to vote for you or to engage more deeply with you. And to genuinely get consumers to spend more time with you, you must provide value via meaningful content, authentic engagement and stories that resonate.
Ease of use for owners = Better control over time to serve consumers
To be able to build a digital platform and apps that resonate with stories and spark authentic engagement, you require a digital network builder and tools that make it simpler to publish content, engage communities and channel that engagement towards your goals. A trusted toolkit to grow better that bundles together the features that you may require. It also frees you up from the shackles of tracking multiple plugins and accounts.