This page displays high level information about the Network arranged on 2 tabs:
- Analytics with the following information
- Network vital stats
- Network historical stats
- Heroes
Network vital stats#
The Network stats show the consolidated stats across all the channels on the network. It shows the following information:
- NetworkPulse - A single score that is the sum of all the ChannelPulse scores on this network
- Number of Members - count of the total number of members
- Number of visitors - count of the number of unique visitors
- Number of channels
- Total number of channel subscribers
- Total number of channel views - ie channel loads
- Total number of posts
- Total number of post views
- Total number of page views
- And other information from engagement widgets like SentyMeter, SocialAudit etc.
Network historical analytics#
Paid MainCross plans have access to detailed historical analytics calculated for the entire Network, across multiple parameters, from the time the Network has been created. Stats are calculated on a weekly basis - the week spans Monday to Sunday midnight GMT.
These can be viewed in the charts shown. Each chart is a time series which can be zoomed in and examined. The data can be exported as CSV, and the chart graphic can be exported as an image.
Network Heroes#
The Network Heroes card shows the currently configured hero accounts for this network.
The Network Owner (NCO) can promote any existing account into a Network Admin (NCA). Once added, the NCO account can also remove any Network Admin. These permissions are only available to the Network Owner account.
- Please take care to give admin rights to a correct & trusted member. This powerful feature allows anyone to control your entire network.
- It is highly recommended to remove any NCA accounts that are not needed.
As a security measure, an account which is marked as an NCO on any Network Site cannot be an NCO or NCA on any other Network Site. Attempt to reuse an account which is an NCO across multiple sites will result in an error.