A new network configuration starts here, by setting up the most basic aspects of the network - titles, analytics and SEO settings.
Some very important settings need to be configured on this page - the network name, title, short description etc which are displayed at various places and are also used for SEO purposes.
Please be sure to fill this section out correctly before search engines start crawling your site! It is sometimes hard to change the information cached by search engines later. There are three settings here:
- Network site name
- Network site title
- Network site short description
Network site domain name / Network site URL
Of special importance is the domain name. This cannot be changed once set. If you do need to change it, please contact us.
Migration to a new domain is a very intensive activity and posts across multiple services (feed, search, prerendering, CDN, etc) need to be migrated. There may be a charge for migration of all the existing posts from the old domain to the new.
Custom email senders
You can send Transactional and Broadcast emails from your own domain with Custom Sender Name & Email, instead of the default one.
Site home page
Any Featured Page can be selected here for display as the Network Site home page.
The selected Feature Page can be unset by clicking the X in the selection.
Shoptype login
Networks which use the Awake Shoptype system should turn on the Shoptype authentication system. In this case, the primary authentication is performed by the Shoptype system, and the MainCross authentication system is secondary.
Social login
You may turn off login via social here. This disables Google, Facebook and Telegram signing, and any other providers we add in the future.
Only direct email address based signup will be possible.
Google tag ID
Instead of managing multiple tags for different Google product accounts, you can use a single Google tag across your entire website and connect the tag ID to multiple destinations (eg Google Analytics 4, Google Ads *).
Your Google tag has a single tag ID that can be entered here.
A tag ID is an identifier to load a given Google tag. Examples of tag IDs include GT-XXXXXXXXX, G-XXXXXXXXX, and AW-XXXXXXXXX. A single Google tag can have multiple tag IDs.
Network operators are responsible for following jurisdictional legal requirements and deactivating collection of remarketing data, and/or other privacy requirements as required.
* However, note that we take privacy seriously and do not allow Google ads to be served on any MainCross instance, and there is no way to enable / control / configure Google ads.
Facebook App ID
Facebook allows tracking of shares of your content on Facebook via an App ID. It is recommended that you create your own app using Facebook developer tools and replace the default value with your own App ID.
Facebook Pixel ID
This feature is private beta. Contact us if you would like to use for your network site.
Facebook pixel allows you to track your website visitors' actions. Tracked conversions will appear in your Facebook Ads Manager and your Facebook Analytics dashboard and can be used to analyze the effectiveness of your conversion funnel and to define custom audiences for dynamic ad campaigns.
Multiple destinations are available for mapping your Static Pages dealing with Terms of Service, Privacy policy, About, Contact and Events. This feature allows you to display these standard pages at the same URL /tos, /privacy, /about, /contact, /events, irrespective of the actual URL of the page.
- You may create a Terms of Service General page at the URL <Your network URL>/pages/terms-of-service-2 and map the link to <Your network URL>/tos
- You may create a Featured page using the MainCross Page Builder at the URL <Your network URL>/featured/who-we-are and map the link to <Your network URL>/about
See it live:
The MainCross Terms of Service is created at https://www.maincross.net/pages/tos, and the same is made available at https://www.maincross.net/tos.
Help pages cannot be set as statutory pages.
Market (E-commerce)#
This feature is currently in public beta.
A Network Site can turn on social commerce with seamless integration of products for sale across the network. This includes online stores (Marketplace and Shopfronts), products, checkout, payments, etc
There are currently 2 Market Providers:
Base currency
- This is the currency for all monetizable items on the network.
- Transactions and financial reports will be shown in the base currency.
The base country and currency should ideally be set to where your legal entity is located so that it matches the settlement currency set at the Payment Gateway.
Conversely it could be set to the primary market you are targeting (ie the presentation currency), but this is not recommended.
A future upgrade will allow the presentation currency to be selected by the end user, so that they can pay in their native currency. Currency conversion from base currency to presentation currency will be done automatically in real-time. This will be available on Thriving and above plans.
Razorpay service
Set your Razorpay credentials here for payment processing in Indian Rupees (INR). This set both the presentment and settlement currency to INR.
Stripe service
Set your Stripe credentials here for collecting payments worldwide (including INR). Any Stripe supported presentment and settlement currency can be set. Note that settlement currency is controlled from the Stripe account and not from the MainCross system.
Chat integration#
We currently support tawk.to integration. Enter the Property ID and the Tawk ID from the tawk.to dashboard and the chat widget will be automatically enabled.
Widget display on mobile
We recommend keeping this setting OFF (the default) since the chat widget takes up a lot of screen space. When OFF, chat can be launched from the bottom navigation bar.
Note that on a larger screen, the chat widget always shows at the middle of the screen, on the right side.
Social media#
Share text
The default share text when any content is shared on any other site (eg Facebook, Twitter), or on any messenger (Whatsapp, Telegram) is:
Here's something from <your site domain> that I thought is worth sharing with you.
This default share text can be changed in this section to any other text that you prefer. Additionally, a single hashtag can be added.
Only the first hashtag entered will be saved, others will be deleted.
Social connectors
Add the full links to your social media handles or pages here. The following services are currently supported:
- Facebook, eg https://www.facebook.com/themaincross
- Twitter, eg https://twitter.com/TheMainCross
- LinkedIn, eg https://www.linkedin.com/company/maincross/
- YouTube
- Medium
- Vimeo
- Telegram
- Any other link
Each link shows up as a clickable icon on the sliding Extended Menu, and can be added as a block on Featured Pages.
Contact details#
A number of contact details can be added, and the same automatically shows up on the /contact destination, and can be added as a block on Featured Pages.
The following contact methods are currently supported:
- Physical address
- Email ID
- Phone number
- Whatsapp number for chat
- Telegram username for chat