As Harvard University alumni Bhavya Bishnoi was preparing to contest the Adampur by-elections in 2022, he wanted to use digital tools to deepen his connect with citizens and communicate with his cadre.
While several political leaders have websites, 30-year-old Bishnoi wanted to go further. He was looking to build a digital platform for his constituency.
With this constituency app, Bishnoi wanted to:
- Showcase his ideas and manifesto and put them in front of the people – easily discoverable and searchable
- Share his views and real-time updates on his meetings
- Highlight his rich political family history and their deep connection with people of Adampur
- Empower citizens to connect directly with him to share their thoughts and concerns
- Connect more meaningfully with his cadre and manage cadre performance
That search ended with the pol-tech software offering at MainCross.
Powering Team Bhavya
With MainCross technology and expertise enabling quick launch, Team Bhavya’s network site – more than the politician’s website – was up within days, adding significant momentum to his electoral campaign.
The Team Bhavya installable webapp and native Android apps followed, and hundreds of citizens and team members from the region started joining the platform daily.
This provided an all-in-one app for Bishnoi to connect with citizens, track cadre performance and share his updates. All at his fingertips.
Building on an active on-ground campaign, Team Bhavya helped amplify digital efforts and Bishnoi won the by-elections in late 2022.
Bishnoi empowers citizens
After winning the elections, Bishnoi continued to spread his digital platform as he reached out to all the 56 villages (wards) in his assembly constituency.
Since then, Team Bhavya continues to serve as a citizen connect platform helping Bishnoi with constituency management as he reads citizen opinions and concerns in real-time and can accordingly take action.
Uniform community guidelines and built-in moderation tools help keep the platform spam-free and valuable for everyone.
The civic engagement software powers a digital townhall for citizens eager for change to build their profile and raise issues. As citizens publish digital letters and grievances, others can easily add their digital signatures to highlight them more.
As the number of voices grow, the digital activity around them can draw hyperlocal insights and understand true needs.
Inspires cadre & monitors performance
The platform also serves as a key cadre management system for Bishnoi, strengthening the bond for Team Bhavya.
The karyakarta (cadre) can easily stay updated about Bishnoi’s programs. They post to highlight issues of concern. They invite others to join the team. They share any posts from Bishnoi to their own networks on WhatsApp or other social media to spread word and ease their work as Bishnoi’s digital foot soldiers.
All activities of sharing, inviting and commenting carries points and is used to display a cadre leaderboard.
Not only can Bishnoi monitor how his cadre is performing digitally, but party workers also see their names and photos come up on the leaderboard. This gamification of cadre performance brings pubic appreciation and motivates everyone.
Recognising cadre efforts, Bishnoi takes the monthly leaders out for lunch – connecting with them in person and thanking them for their work. The combined use of a cadre communication platform and personal outreach significantly mobilises cadre and inspires them to perform better.
The cadre connect platform also includes a sophisticated digital private directory that the political leader can use to easily search, identify and connect with his cadre in different wards or booths. The directory auto syncs with new sign ups, mitigates duplication and updates cadre information.
Scales meaningful community connections
Presenting a direct channel for Bishnoi to connect better with his citizens, cadre and constituency, MainCross helps scale meaningful community connections.
This digital ease of access, communication and reciprocation helps Bishnoi elevate the level of trust. This helps make informed decisions.
It also helps Bishnoi, who comes from one of India's well known multi-generational political families, deepen old relationships and build new ones with citizens in his constituency.
In Bishnoi's words, "Working with MainCross has been beyond exceptional. Their vision for improving governance and building community through tech is inspiring. Team Bhavya app was well received, and the daily engagement is encouraging as well. The MainCross team is responsive to feedback, takes initiative, and is highly driven. It has been an absolute pleasure."
Top benefits of using MainCross
✅ Citizens get real-time updates & access
✅ Rise in cadre efficiency with leaderboards
✅ Improved planning with hyperlocal insights
✅ Increase in popularity & team members
✅ Spam-free, issue-focussed platform loved by all
Ready to launch your own digital platform? Get in touch now!