Seamless, quick and impactful content management
Stories & use-casesArticle02 Feb, 2023
Last edited: 03 Feb, 2023, 4:42 AM

Seamless, quick and impactful content management

World's first Network CMS: Structured content management with comprehensive authoring tools using standard social media experience.

The best of both worlds - top class and zero code content management and a social and more impactful experience for readers content consumers.

Use it to build your news site, power a community newsroom, or organise your business content into different topic channels with tools that amplify engagement.

In a sense, it's like having your own Medium or Substack - publish content from the frontend, send newsletters to inform subscribers, engage readers via interactive tools and so much more.

But, where it's not like Medium or Substack at all is that it doesn't end there. In fact it doesn't even start there. What those platforms offer is a feature-set within the huge bundle that MainCross offers.

There are also more authoring tools, ease of sign up and share, ability to structure your content your way, make channels public or private - add paid memberships. There's powerful content search, there are hashtags for trending content and filtering, there are bookmarks.

There's a page builder, easy embedding of published content, complete control of your branding, moderation and setup.

Use it to power your information hub, content site and amplify engagement around your content - take the first steps towards building and empowering your community.

Teachers wanting to setup academic content for students with linked quizzes - think of these as assignment sets? Yes, that's easily enabled.

And organisations in healthcare exploring starting their own educational content platform, publishing and organising useful content for the patient's understanding, to aide recoveries and to simplify medical procedures - MainCross has you covered for it all.

Or perhaps just use MainCross to power an interactive blog. There's something for everyone, and everything for someone who needs it.

Go from zero to one, and scale from one to infinity.

With world class media technology and a network content management system at your finger tips, it's never been easier to launch your own sites, platforms and information hubs.

Here are some content features of our MainCross Network CMS.

Network model

  • Built on channels modeled on the real world – TOP = Topics, Organizations and Personas
  • Powerful structure - each TOP channel is a microsite dynamic information, updates, conversations, content, interactions, reviews and ratings, products etc
  • Individually configurable and controlled

High velocity multi-user CMS for UGC

  • Comprehensive authoring tools using standard social media UX with minimal learning curve
  • 10+ types of post authoring tools – from simple posts, to long form articles, polls, quizzes, forms, events etc
  • Instant share to social with referral tracking
  • Deliver content to subscribers after posting
  • Rich threaded commenting on anything

Structured content

  • Post into channels for categorization
  • Hashtag for cross channel linkage
  • Move between channel
  • 1-click add to Featured or StoryArc

All singing all dancing content

  • Drop anything into content – images, video, audio, links, tweets
  • 1-click embed anything (eg posts, feeds, channels, widgets) anywhere on any website instantly – embeds are interactable and responsive
  • 1-click share content anywhere – social media, messengers
  • Every post and page is filled with SEO and link preview goodness, and prerendered for crawling speed
Book a demo now and get started

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