Every member of MainCross has their own unique premium address (account or handle starting with @) which is automatically available across all the network sites!
Each account has a rich detailed profile which can be customized by the member.
Detailed profile pages
A member profile shows a short and long bio, badges earned, and detailed engagement statistics and most importantly - all previous posts made by that member across all channels across all network sites.
Filter by post types
Want to see what a member has been posting? Filter by our major post types - conversations, links, polls and articles. Want to see what the member has bookmarked? Click on the Bookmarks filter.
Turbo charged analytics
Simply knowing how many 'followers' one has is a silly vanity statistic. Instead we have created a new set of detailed analytics to show you exactly how your account is performing. We show 3 key metrics - Engagement, Popularity & Activity Score, since your account was created, and on a rolling 30-day basis.
Engagement Score - This is a measure of how much engagement or interest your audience shows to your profile, post and comments. A higher score will result in better monetization for you in the future.
Popularity Score - This is a measure of how much your audience loves your post and comments. A higher score will result in better monetization for you in the future.
Activity Score - This is a measure of how well you are engaged with the platform. It takes into account all your activates and interactions. We reward users who are more engaged with early features, special access and gifts.
Verified accounts
Verified accounts are available for public figures and organizations. Public figures like journalists, authors, researchers, policy analysts, opinion makers, cause champions, activists, political candidates or incumbents, members of bureaucracy, etc. Organizations like publishers, political parties, government organizations, NGOs and advocacy groups and collectives, etc.