Colors, lots of colors - go wild mixing and matching colors to get the perfect look
productArticle16 Apr, 2021

Colors, lots of colors - go wild mixing and matching colors to get the perfect look

If the current levers of control of your network site are not enough, here's more color control to make your day!

A constant request from customers since the start has been for more color control :-) someone wants to change the background, another wants perfect control over the header and so on. So today I'm delighted to reveal a new color system that affects the visual look and feel across the entire network site, and will allow more color control over time.

But first some examples of what can be realized with the new color system:

Accent colors

2 accent colors can be set - a primary and secondary. These affect menus, buttons, notifications et al.

The link color, underline and hover are automagically derived from the primary accent color.

Navigation menu

The top navigation bar background and foreground can be independently changed.

Background color

Any background color can be set - to be pleasing to the eye, this should be a light tint. Modals and information islands will automagically configure themselves from this color.

Stay tuned as we roll out more color control.

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