Member Accounts#
Anyone can create an account on any Network Site, and start using the services and posting and interacting with the channels and posts. An account can be created using an email address, or social providers like Facebook or Google, or Telegram.
We urge you not to use Facebook or Google signin if you value your privacy.
Types of Accounts
There are 2 basic types of accounts:
- Individual account - This option should be selected if this account is meant for an individual, owned by an individual, represents a human person or individual voice, and the profile information, interactions with the network and content posted are all attributable to a single individual. It can be used for personal purposes or business purposes (eg freelancers, consultants, single person business owners, etc). We recommend having separate accounts for personal vs business purposes.
- Organization account - This option should be selected if this account is meant for an organization or group, owned by the organization, represents an entity or collective voice, and the profile information, interactions with the network and content posted are attributable to many, rather than a single individual. An organization can be a formal group like a business, company, non profit, government, or an informal group like a collective, etc. This account type is also meant to be used by a brand, product, campaign, public service / awareness, etc.
When you create an account representing an organization, you certify that you are authorized to create an account for said organization, and the organization is agreeing to the Terms and Conditions governing the Network.
Selecting the right account
It is essential to understand and select the right account:
- The type of account affects your legal rights, and binds you or your organization to the Terms and Conditions governing the Network.
- If you have applied for account verification - a wrong account type will NOT get verified status.
- The SEO meta data is different for each account.
- In the future, platform features will changed based on the account type.
Username and Display name selection#
If you are setting up a individual account for personal purpose, feel free to select any Username and Display name that floats your boat. Go wild, and make them as unique as you like. You may use your own name or a made up name.
However if you are setting up an individual account for business purpose OR an organization account, then we suggest that you do this with a lot of care.
Select the account Username and set your Display name to ensure that they match the intent and purpose of the account, are recognizable, trustworthy and credible. Some guidelines:
- If this is a individual-business account, then it is good practice to set the Username and Display name to match the legal name you are operating your business under, or your own real name.
- If this is an organization account, then the username must be derived from the org name so that its immediately recognizable. Don't set a personal or random username for organization accounts. Similar, the Display name must be the organization name, not your own name. Examples:
- If your organization is called "Titter", then the username should probably be @titter and the Display name may be "Titter Inc".
- If your organization is called "Fakebook", then its probably not a good idea for the username to be @bookshop and the Display name to be "Hot Zuck".
- If your organization is called "MacApple Stores", then the username may be @applestore and the Display name may be "MacApple Stores".
Any account which has applied for verification must follow these guidelines, else it will not be verified.
Membership privileges#
- Member Accounts created on this or any network automatically have access to all the Network Sites
- Participate in and interact with posts and channels on all the networks
- Create a personalized feed by subscribing to channels across the network
- Use the superb post authoring tools on all the networks to post your own content
Network restrictions#
Member accounts are subject to the rules and restrictions on the network as setup by the network operator.
Example rules:
- Role based networks allow Members access only upon selection of a Role
- Hybrid access permits Members selective access to channels
Example restrictions:
- There can be post type restrictions
- There can be post publishing restrictions (ie moderation)
Account restrictions#
An individual account may be restricted ("banned") across all MainCross networks, or on 1 or more individual networks. This ban may take the following forms, in escalating order:
- Commenting restriction, ie unable to comment on any existing content
- Posting restriction, ie unable to post any content
- Complete restriction, ie unable to even log in
Restrictions may be temporary or permanent.
Account public profile#
Member public profiles are accessible at the URL <Network node>/@<username>. Profiles showcase the following:
- Content created by the member
- Bio and detailed bio if any
- Vital stats
- Badges earned or assigned
The account profile shows all the badges associated with that account.
Verified Account#
Ensure authenticity and recognition with a verified badge on your profile. Verification needs to done only once, and is valid across all MainCross Networks.
Pro Account#
There are 2 account tiers offered on each Network Site:
- Regular
- Pro
Regular member accounts can be upgraded for free (ie gifted a Pro account) by the Network Operator or by taking up a paid subscription to turn on Pro features, ie turn into a Pro Account. Pro accounts have access to special features.
Pro Accounts which can manage the network site or TOP channels are called Heroes. In other words, a Hero is a Pro Account with very special privileges.
Advanced help for network operators: Network & Channel Heroes.