This is a tricky bug, as it is dependent on the Machines speed to see visually, and at the time of recording, my recorder was not at the correct frame rate to capture this, but still, you will see that the System has logs on Network and the Renderer also captures the same.
1. A Feature Page set up to load the most basic html with no JS code in an IFrame
2. a no js code html url
Steps to Reproduce:
Severity: HIGH
This issue causes a flash on the screen when loading our Mapbox integration, causing the mapbox to be reloaded.
PFA: Re rendering issue walkthrough issue
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1 answers received
MainCross Social+
Commented 17 Oct, 2024
Every component in the entire component tree (in this case what is being loaded in the iframe) should be able to handle rerenders by itself, in whatever way it sees fit. Rerenders are normal. If a child component does not want to be rerendered when the parent rerenders, it should take internal steps to prevent this. It is bad practice for the parent to make the decision not to rerender a child component.
Nevertheless, this has been treated as a enhancement request, and has been released in v3.39.1.1.
Replied 17 Oct, 2024
when does v become generally available?
MainCross Social+
Replied 17 Oct, 2024
MCiWs follow a bimonthly update cadence, so next deployment for on 30th.
PS: this release was deployed on sandbox few days ago.
Replied 17 Oct, 2024
Thank you. This helps for tracking and managing user expectations