What are communities? Here are top 5 quotes on communities
Community talkArticle10 Jul, 2023
Last edited: 10 Jul, 2023, 2:00 PM

What are communities? Here are top 5 quotes on communities

There has been a buzz around community building and development in the global business arena for a while. Why do brands push to build their business around communities? Today, we are going to look into what exactly a community is. Let’s dive deeper.

The world today is filled with people who share a lot of common interests across longitudes and latitudes. Networking is an important part of a person's daily life which plays a role in activities like job hunting and leisure gatherings. Thus, it is almost impossible to express and develop one's passion without the presence of being in a community.

People form groups to share their opinions and get an enhanced point of view regarding their shared interests. There you go! That is what a community is; a place or a group of people with common interests or goals who hang out to develop. A community allows people to have an identity of interest as well as provides them with a space to share their views and concerns regarding all the movements in their interested industry.

Communities can be both offline and online. With today's technological advancements, online communities are the future of progress and innovations. From small-scale to large-scale businesses, brands today hustle to build their own communities as they see building them as a vital part of valuation.

As we have said before, the future of higher brand valuation lies behind community-led growth. The people are the future of self-sustainable businesses. Today, we at MainCross are here with some of the most famous quotes on communities made by eminent personalities in history.

Brene Brown

"Community is the place where we find the courage to be vulnerable, the strength to stand up for what's right, and the love to support one another."

H E Luccock

"No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it."

Zig Ziglar

"You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life."

Rania Al-Abdullah

"We are stronger when we listen and smarter when we share."

Malala Yousafzai

"The strength of a community lies in the hands of its members. Each one has a role to play, and together, they can build a better future."

By taking inspiration from Henry Ford's words on community building, we intend to remind you that people are the building bricks of any substantial entity. With the plethora of features at MainCross, any brand can easily navigate this vital process in its value development.

Talk to us to schedule a demo today.

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