Before the ability to create / manage our own Site Entry Gate, our popup contained links to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
The popup is exactly the same as earlier (except that its now under admin control) ie it did not contain links to ToS and PP.
How do I include links to HivedMusic's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy in the Site Entry Gate PopUp?
From an earlier mail (dated 18th May 2023) on this topic:
Question> Thank you for turning this on. Can you make the text for "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" a clickable link to the respective network destination pages (for HivedMusic and Veed.Network)? That would be a logical thing for a user to expect. I thought that we used to have this for Veed.Network, but perhaps my memory isn't accurate.
Answer> No, its not possible. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Until the popup is accepted, nothing will open on that site. Clicking on a link to open the TOS etc, will again show the popup. You may see various real life examples here
The above answer was written by a member of the community in response to a question.
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