What are channels?#
Every MainCross Network Site has multiple channels which are created by the network operator. Each channel is a microsite for a Topic, or Organization or Persona (TOP).
Each TOP channel is a heavy weight mechanism of organizing information and participation - it creates a unique microsite with dynamic information, updates, conversations, content, interactions, reviews and ratings, products etc all organized and accessible under that channel within a single URL. Learn more about TOP channels.
Gaining Channel Operator access#
Channels can only be created by the Network Operator and utilized by everyone (users and members). They can additionally be configured and managed by Channel Operators assigned by the Network Operator.
Once a Network Operator has assigned an account on that Network Site as an operator (equivalent to a channel admin for this purpose) for the channel, the user will see Hero Dashboard under their profile menu. The Hero Dashboard provides access to the Channel Dashboard that can be used to independently setup and manage the entire channel.
For instance, E-stalls on STONA India Network Site are Organisation channels and Channel Operators will find their E-stall Org channel with their company name under Orgs. They can click on the E-stall Org channel to view the tools that can be used to configure the channel.
Setting up a branded Channel#
The Channel Operator can then use that Hero Dashboard to access the Channel Dashboard and to configure the Channel. The dashboard enables the Channel Operator to perform the following functions:
- View channel info: This show salient information and vital statistics for the channel.
- Edit channel: This allows the Channel Operator to setup the channel the way they like by adding the channel logo (1:1), channel cover image (3:1), name, contact and other essential information. For instance, E-stalls on STONA India Network Site are Organisation channels and Channel Operators can use edit channel to set up their E-stall in their branding using their company logo, tagline and contact information. They can optionally also add an About page.
- Channel settings: These offer granular controls for Channel Operators to enable / restrict user interaction in the channel, among others. Depending on the need, Channel Operators may choose to change the settings, or be guided by the Network Operators. For instance, for E-stalls on STONA India Network Site, it is strongly recommended to not change any default channel settings. Channel Operators can add Channel Champions to help manage the channel from the Champions tab under Channel Settings. More on Channel Settings.
- Product catalog: This option is available only for Organisation and Persona channels. This enables Channel Operators to add products they want to list on Channel Shopfront. Channel Operators can also view, modify and delete products that have been added using this tool.
Adding products to a Channel#
Product catalog under the respective channel's dashboard is to be used to add new products and manage existing products. Channel Operators can add new products by adding the product title.
Once a product has been added, it shows up under the existing products table and can be further edited. Read more on the Product Catalog.
Channel operators can edit each product individually to add product short and long descriptions, images, pricing, variants and other optional information.
Where do a Channel's products show up?#
An objective of empowering Channel Operators to list their products independently on the Network Site is to open the gateway to social commerce - an intersection of e-commerce and social media.
Once the products are saved and live (Channel Operators must check the "Product is live" box to enable this), the products show up at multiple places on the Network Site and the Channel front-end.
A preview of the products shows up on the channel home, the Channel menu also gets a 'Shop' button that leads to the Channel shopfront that shows all its live products.
Products will also show up un the Network's Marketplace and can be discovered under that via the search and filters. Each product has a unique url and can be directly shared with others.
Product pages can also be embedded within content being published for seamless discovery and engagement.
Posting updates & more on a Channel#
Channel Operators, Champions and Network Site members can use the rich authoring tools available under Home and Updates to publish content on the Channel.
For instance, E-stall owners on STONA Indian Network Site can publish updates about their company, post an article about a product, create a poll or even create a quiz or survey.
Youtube, Vimeo urls and some other urls can be posted using the Update tool to publish directly playable videos.
All published content shows up under Home and Updates section of the Channel, and also forms a part of the Network feed as well - amplifying the reach and distribution of the content.
Published content can be found via search, enhances visibility, is shareable and can be engaged with by the audience.