product release notesArticle21 Nov, 2022
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:12 PM

Release notes for 3.35.9

Updates in this release - 1. Network historical statistics released in beta; 2. Forms UX has been improved; 3. Long Form Editor UX has been improved; 4. Email Templates can now insert Media Cards; 5. Reset password UX has been improved; 6. An issue has been fixed


  1. Network historical statistics released in beta.
  2. Forms UX has been improved:
  3. The #forms submission ID and the date on which the form has been filled is now displayed to the member
  4. If the form is using the new save/submit mechanism, then the form is not hidden after each save
  5. The help/prompt text in case of save/submit has been updated
  6. Workflow editor changes (#FormBuilder)
  7. The email template to be used when sending the notification can be specified
  8. #LongFormEditor UX has been improved:
  9. The cursor position is not lost if image or embed insertion is canceled
  10. The cursor is corrected repositioned after something (image, embed, media card, etc) is inserted
  11. No flicker on pasting into long articles
  12. When inserting a media card, an invalid URL is immediately detected and shows an error
  13. #EmailTemplates has an enhancement - Media Cards can now be inserted into the email body.
  14. Reset password UX has been improved.
  15. In the Hero dashboard > Community dashboard > Members info > Super network now shows only members from other NNs, instead of all members as earlier

UI changes

  1. On content pages, the channel card is displayed above the hashtag card - this removes the jerkiness on first load when hashtag card appears
  2. The /hashtag destination shows a loader on first load during network activity
  3. When displaying event registration or form submission, a loader is shown within the table - this removes the jerkiness on first load when data appears

Issues fixed

  1. Some NCO accounts were not being allowed to save Channel detailed bios after editing

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