- Channel pages have been refreshed with the largest change on Org channels.
- The Channel Actions (ie in-page navigation) menu strip can accommodate many menu items and is a side scrolling element.
- Subscribe is now a subpage destination
- Major layout changes for Org channels
- Featured image is mandatory for Org channels
- 2 column layout is used only for home and updates subpage destinations while all others are full width.
- ChannelActions become sticky at the top when on bigger screen, same as smaller screens.
- Post #Comments & replies can now be deleted.
- Since Safari browser continues to be feature poor, and does not support webp compression, images uploaded when using Safari default to jpeg instead of webp, which is the MainCross default on all other browsers - Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi.
- Event / Form creators will now be notified on every submission, instead of notification on a sliding scale. We have found that the sliding scale notification ends up not keeping Event and Form creators adequately informed when new submissions are made.
Issues fixed
- Under post Moderator Actions, deletion of a post which has been featured was not correctly being checked for - leading to an issue where deleted posts (which have been featured) would be stuck in Network featured panel with no way to remove.
- Moderator Actions - 1. move to another channel, and 2. post delete - for Poll type posts were incorrect.
- When a comment or comment reply has just been posted, the edit button would not show up immediately.
- When someone's public user profile is open, then a click on "open your public profile" from the logged-in menu would not show one's own public profile.