- PRotected and PRIvate channels (#HybridAccess ) have received a large update. In addition to the earlier 2 methods of allowing access to access-controlled channels, a third method has been added - #Paywall.
- Different kinds of paywalls can be built to control access to each individual channel. Read more in the help article.
- This feature is currently in Beta.
- Notifications to Heroes for channel access control for channel request / grant / auto-grant, are now more detailed and lead directly to the relevant channel access control dashboard.
- Page Builder enhancements
- Button / CTA Block no longer can be a payment button. This has been replaced by a dedicated new Block - Collect Payments for collecting one-time payments or donations for any purpose. The Collect Payments block can create 2 kinds of #payments mechanisms - fixed and pay-as-you-like.
- The Text Block now supports Heading 5 (H5) in addition to H1 - H4 already available.
- #ProtectedChannels feed cards are now enhanced to prevent rich media (video, audio, tweets, embeds, etc) from being played or accessed on feed cards. Media is now playable / accessible only after opening the content page. This adds an additional level of protection for PROtected channels and ensures that access to media is only for members who are allowed access to that channel.
- An under the hood upgrade has drastically speeded up operations for logged in users, ie members. This may be especially noticeable for a large number of member operations - eg posting, editing, participating, updating settings, and for Network Heroes when viewing details and configuring settings in the Hero Dashboard.
- Another under the hood upgrade has drastically speeded up responses to spiders and crawlers, eg Googlebot, Bingbot, etc. And sharing URLs to other services is significantly faster. Other services = Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitter (or whatever XYZ its called depending on Ehlonbaby's mood), Discord and what have we.
- Images on feed cards of PRIvate channels are now correctly displayed.
UI changes
- The channel access control dashboard has been fully revamped. 4 tabs provide comprehensive control over the channel access feature.
- All the help texts and tooltips for the many internal Image Editors have been redone for clarity and to provide more information to Heroes.
- Featured page headings now use the Lato font instead of system default on all platforms.
- Correctly handle truncation of topic and organization titles on channel cards
- The sentiment and rating strip for Organization and Persona cards has been removed.
- A particular fix has been made for Safari browser where the widget for setting the Post created date on the Article authoring tool would move out of the viewport.
- Show the #StoryArc widget in the post authoring tools only if the StoryArc feature is enabled for that Network.
Issues fixed
- A site-wide announcement banner once set could not be unset.
- An unforeseen side-effect of the new paywall feature occurred when a dead content page was loaded up - instead of correctly showing a 404 widget, and gracefully handling the error, the frontend would no longer be able to load any new resource.
- When deleting a post, a check is performed whether the post is part of the Featured post panel at a Network or Channel level. However the check for the Network level would fail in some circumstances, leading to content being incorrectly deleted and orphaned cards left in the Featured post panel.