product release notesArticle28 Nov, 2023
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:09 PM

Release notes for 3.37.0

Updates in this release: 1. MCiW out of beta; 2. Payments out of beta; 3. New structure for post URLs; 4. Styling for Testimonial & Team profiles; 5. Contextual help opens in-app; 6. Featured page fonts; 7. Some editors store auto draft; 8. Web Push in early release; 9. Footer component enhancements

Major updates

  1. MainCross Installable Webapps (MCiW) form factor has moved out of beta after being progressively released with incremental features over the past 1 year. Read more in the product story. #InstallableWebapps
  2. Payments have moved out of beta. Two Payment Gateways are supported - Razorpay in India and Stripe worldwide. #Payments are used across the platform for a variety of uses - Event ticketing, Paywalled channels and ad-hoc payment collections.
  3. Post URLs follow a uniform format of /p/<slug>-<encoded string> for future proofing. The earlier post URL formats have been retired.
  4. However - ALL earlier post URLs will continue working as before. The canonical link tag for posts served on the old URLs are set to the corresponding new URL.
  5. When a crawler fetches a page using the old URL for a post, it will see the canonical link and associate the old page with the new.
  6. The Testimonial & Team profile components from the #ComponentLibrary can be fully styled like blurbs - border, color, background. See examples of component styling here.
  7. Contextual help resources now open within the app, instead of launching the help page externally. This leads to a better user experience since the help page opens in a modal and the user does not lose the context by launching an external browser or new browser tab.
  8. Featured page fonts can be overridden with any font sources from the service.
  9. 2 fonts can be set - one for headings and titles, and one for all the text, only on Featured pages.
  10. This setting is available under Hero Dashboard > Network dashboard > Visual config
  11. This feature is in beta.
  12. Conversation derived authoring tools (ie Update, Question, Event, Scan and Form post types) store a single draft per post type on the local device, eg one can simultaneously have an Update and Event post in draft.
  13. Drafts are automagically stored based on activity - no user intervention is needed.
  14. The draft is persistent across open/close of the site / app / browser / browser tab, device sleep, or even a crash etc.
  15. Whenever the authoring tool is reopened, the earlier draft is automatically loaded.
  16. The draft can be discarded by clicking the Trash icon on the toolbar at the top.
  17. This feature is in beta.
  18. Web Push, a protocol to allow push notifications in a browser and MCiW environments (like mobile app push notifications), has been released in early access.
  19. Footer component has been further enhanced and now allows 2 lines of text, copyright message, social icons and statutory pages links. Read more in the help article.

Issues fixed

  1. Channel Actions (ie in-page navigation) menu strip released in last version was not working for private channels.
  2. Moderator Actions > Moderate tab (still in beta) was not allowing certain actions correctly:
  3. All unpublished posts (whether unpublished in Moderated Channels or Ghost Posts) should allow deletion
  4. Only unpublished posts in Moderated Channels should allow Publishing, not Ghost Posts.
  5. If a post edit is in progress, and one uses browser back instead of the Cancel button, then the "Create a new post" selector screen would pop up.
  6. Correctly set the width and height of the Image Editor widget in the Form Designer.

UI changes

  1. "Help center" button has moved from the Navigation column to logged in menu to save space.
  2. The statutory pages links on the Navigation column are more compact and sleeker to save space.
  3. Article and Page authoring tools also have a toolbar at the top

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