- Comments Machine v2
- The UX and UI for #comments have been refreshed:
- "Add reply" button has been removed - a reply box is now shown along with the user's avatar as an invitation to reply
- The Reply box is at the bottom, rather than the earlier reply button at top of a threaded conversation, and hence it signifies "add to the threaded conversation", rather than reply to the 1st comment. The reply stacks at the bottom in chronological order, thus keeping continuity of the threaded conversation.
- Comment edit maintains context. Editor appears in-place on the comment text, and does not replace the entire comment block.
- Comment edit can be canceled.
- When comment edit starts, all other comment operations are disabled.
- New under the hood upgrade - Comments are also served from CDN
- Any new reply to a threaded conversation will now notify all the participants of that conversation, as well as the post creator.
- #forms enhancements:
- If the Save / Submit feature is turned on for a Form - then no validation is done when the form is Saved. Hence fields can be left blank while saving. This allows the form filler to work on a long form in stages - ie fill some fields, save, reopen later, fill/edit some fields, save again etc, and finally Submit when ready. Validation of the fields is done at this point.
- For users who are not logged in, a private URL to the filled form is displayed after Save or Submit. This private URL can be used by the form filler to get back to the same state of the form and continue from where one left off. This link can even be shared with someone else, opened in a fresh browser etc.
- Messaging enhancements:
- Show a "load more" button only if there are older messages on the server. Show a progress indicator when earlier chats are loading.
- Better UI for chat
- Better editing experience
- When typing a long message, one can scroll within the chat input box
- Better UI for chat on mobile - Message box is sticky at bottom, still fiddly though
- Images can be uploaded within chat
- Allow <enter> press to send message only on larger screen. On small screen, one needs to explicitly press the send button to prevent inadvertent sends.
- Pro member accounts can now set their social connectors (ie profile pages on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc) and these are publicly visible on the member profile page.
- Member Directory - A new destination /members is now available
- It displays the most recent 100 network members, accessible only to other members, ie one needs to be signed in, in order to view member lists.
- Networks can choose to display their list of recent members. It is not enabled by default, network operators have to turn it in the Menu Config
- Comment cards in feed now show the Channel tag.
- #CustomFeeds can now control how many feed cards are displayed.
UI changes
- The Network and Super feed filter now sticks to the top like other feed filters. The "Add Post" button has been merged into it.
- More visual updates to handle dark backgrounds
- The hamburger menu icon and the MCiW browser back icon has been moved up beside the Network logo on the Navigation Column.
Issues fixed
- In some cases, navigating from a Custom feed displayed on a Featured page to a Conversation page, and then performing browser back would show a page loader rather than the feed.
- At certain screen viewports, a single column of Custom Feed would be displayed instead of the expected 2 columns.