product release notesArticle14 Jun, 2024
Last edited: 07 Jul, 2024, 4:58 PM

Release notes for 3.37.8

Updates in this release: 1. Set Channel Champions per TOP channel; 2. Event registration in-app notification; 3. Embeds from supported; 4. Switch TG account to another MC account; 5. PageBuilder enhancement; 6. Image carousel builder enhancement


  1. Networks can now set Channel Champions per TOP channel. This feature is available on paid networks. Read the help article for more info.
  2. A new in-app notification is now available - delivered to #Events post creator when someone registers for an Event.
  3. Embeds from (ie Twitter / X, uggs) are now supported in addition to earlier
  4. A #Telegram account that has been connected to receive notification can be moved from one MainCross account to another.
  5. #PageBuilder enhancement: search / filtering /sorting is now available during component selection from pre-built components. On sites which have many components, its useful to be able to find exactly the component one is looking for instead of scrolling through all.
  6. Image carousel builder enhancement: Add a Call-To-Action to each slide of the carousel

UI changes

  1. Image carousel visual enhancements: For small screens - the accompanying blurb text is now shown below the image, rather than overlaid on top.

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