product release notesArticle02 Jun, 2024
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:20 PM

Release notes for 3.37.7

Updates in this release: 1. All countries & currencies for collecting payments; 2. View a list of all purchases; 3. Products and maps on Featured Page; 4. Significant Hero dashboard UX enhancements; & 5. some UI changes and issues fixed.


  1. Support all countries & currencies for collecting #payments - Channel subscription, event ticketing and product purchase
  2. Members can view a list of all purchases on the /purchases destination
  3. #PageBuilder enhancements
  4. Products can be embedded on Featured Pages
  5. Maps can be embedded on Featured Pages
  6. #HeroDashboard UX enhancements:
  7. Browser reload of a dashboard page will load the same page, instead of reverting to home
  8. The last state of search / filter / sort on all dashboard pages is maintained, ie the upon navigating back to a dashboard page, the last state of search / filter / sort is restored

UI changes

  1. Post editors are significantly wider than before on large screens
  2. For tables which fetch data from the server upon pagination, it was confusing to have the next/prev page buttons at the bottom, below the table. They are now at the top, followed by the search/filter and then the actual table.

Issues fixed

  1. Posts tagged with a certain hashtag were only displaying the latest 20 posts
  2. The detailed bio button on member public profile page was not showing for some members

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