product release notesArticle01 Apr, 2021
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:06 PM

Release notes for v3.10.0

A number of updates are live - featured pages slug can be changed, new top level page added, videos can be added to pages, typewriter effect, enhancement to data grid & Hero Dashboard menu refresh

Major updates

  1. Slug can be changed for #FeaturedPages
  2. All networks have a new top level page /channels, and this can be added to menus
  3. The top menu (that displays on a bigger screen) can now be edited.
  4. Videos can now be added to #Pages (in addition to Articles as released earlier)
  5. Typewriter effect block added to the #PageBuilder
  6. Complex tables now have a comprehensive toolbar allowing selection of columns, filtering and export
  7. Hero Dashboard menu structure has been redone

Minor updates

  1. Moderator Actions no longer give the option of moving SocialSurveys between channels. (SocialSurveys can't be moved between channels.)
  2. Channel feed is shown if one lands on a wrong content page URL (rather than just a simple 404)
  3. The top level page /site/topics is deprecated and changed to /topics
  4. Hero Dashboard menu configurator shows all the items grouped by type

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