product release notesArticle07 Apr, 2021
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:15 PM

Release notes for v3.11.0

A large set of updates are part of this release - Data collection forms, SocialQuiz Maker, persona channel editing, iframe embedding on Pages and more

Major updates

  1. Data collection forms v0 is now in beta. #forms
  2. The MC system can now be used to collect data from users or members.
  3. This is similar to Google forms etc, and is fully integrated into the channel and post system of MC. See an example here.
  4. Quiz Maker v1 - The #SocialQuiz Maker has been released, as another post type, and allows for the creation of quizzes.
  5. Persona channels can now be edited from the Hero dashboard.
  6. Iframes can now be embedded on MC Featured pages

Minor updates

  1. Organization channels have a new URL structure: /orgs/<channel slug>
  2. The carousel allows the autoplay delay to be configured. This was previously fixed at 3000ms.
  3. Articles can be edited on a mobile screen.

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