product release notesArticle18 Sep, 2021
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:17 PM

Release notes for v3.21.3

Custom feeds are here baby plus hashlinks to headings in Pages, and a number of UI changes make up this release

Major updates

  1. Custom feeds v1 - #CustomFeeds can now be effortless created on any Featured page using the #PageBuilder
  2. Single and multiple column responsive

Minor updates

  1. Graceful handling of username changes for cached content from CDN or search index
  2. General and Help Pages have hashlinks to headings
  3. Clicking on the hashlink automatically copies the link to clipboard
  4. Link Post type has been deprecated

UI changes

  1. After post delete, clicking on browser back will no longer try to load the just deleted post (which was rather confusing)
  2. More UI modernization across content pages
  3. User profile changes
  4. Vital Stats card shows number of Gold Star earned
  5. Feed has a sticky header & info card
  6. User stats card defaults to open on a larger screen, and closed on a smaller screen
  7. Quiz UI has been refreshed a bit

Issues fixed

  1. When navigating the Hero Dashboard menu, a particular sequence of menu clicks resulted in a blank page

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