Minor updates
- The UX for post deletion has been fully revamped to ensure that the just deleted post is not visible / accessible any more after deletion:
- A delete operation performed on a post now waits for the multi-step delete process to be completed across multiple servers and services (backend servers and database, elastic search, feed, and CDN) before proceeding.
- The deleted post is finally removed from local browser cache across multiple feeds - home, super and channel feed.
- After deletion, the system stays on the same post page for context and displays a 404. The Member can now decide where to go next. This changes the previous behavior where the the system would directly move to the network destination after post delete.
- #DelegatedPublishing has been enhanced - delegator can now edit its own posts (posted on behalf of the delegate)
- Within the Super Feed, a comment from another Network Site will open in that Network Site, like for other content - short posts, articles and polls.
- Network Heroes can now use the inbuilt chat for help and support.