product release notesArticle16 Apr, 2022
Last edited: 17 Apr, 2022, 11:31 PM

Release notes for 3.32.2

The user experience for post deletion has been revamped for ease of use, delegator can edit posts, comments from another NN in the Super Feed open in that NN, & Network Heroes can chat for support.

Minor updates

  1. The UX for post deletion has been fully revamped to ensure that the just deleted post is not visible / accessible any more after deletion:
  2. A delete operation performed on a post now waits for the multi-step delete process to be completed across multiple servers and services (backend servers and database, elastic search, feed, and CDN) before proceeding.
  3. The deleted post is finally removed from local browser cache across multiple feeds - home, super and channel feed.
  4. After deletion, the system stays on the same post page for context and displays a 404. The Member can now decide where to go next. This changes the previous behavior where the the system would directly move to the network destination after post delete.
  5. #DelegatedPublishing has been enhanced - delegator can now edit its own posts (posted on behalf of the delegate)
  6. Within the Super Feed, a comment from another Network Site will open in that Network Site, like for other content - short posts, articles and polls.
  7. Network Heroes can now use the inbuilt chat for help and support.

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