product release notesArticle13 Dec, 2022
Last edited: 02 Feb, 2023, 6:29 PM

Release notes for 3.35.11

Updates in this release - 1. Enhancement to Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for account security; 2. Minimum quality for Article Post type is now being enforced; 3. Some issues fixed


  1. Enhancement to Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for account security:
  2. The 2FA TOTP code is now displayed in addition to the QR code under User > Settings. The TOTP code can be 1-click copied and pasted into any authenticator app, instead of scanning the QR code.
  3. Once setup, 2FA can be disabled anytime.
  4. Minimum quality for Article Post type is now being enforced. For non Pro accounts, an Article Post must have at least 200 words in order to be posted. Pro accounts are not subject to this restriction.
  5. This is the first rule that is being enforced. A few more rules will be added - mandatory featured image and minimum length of article summary. The minimum number of words may also be increased.
  6. Background - the Article Post type was created specially for original long form content, and uses our all-singing-all-dancing Long Form Editor. In recent time, we have seen that the intent of this post type is being abused by a few members who repeatedly post very short content (a few lines) or just a single link to off-site content. Our comprehensive Update Post type is meant for all such "social media" kind of short, quick updates, esp updates whose only purpose is to drop in a link to off-site content.

UI changes

  1. Feed cards from Org channels now show the channel hashlink using the Org title instead of Org shorthand

Issues fixed

  1. In an earlier release, the Comment Machine had been moved to a lazy-load strategy. Due to timing issue, this has the effect of sometimes not displaying comments when a post was freshly loaded in a browser. This change has been rolled back
  2. On new networks which had not yet configured any Statutory pages under Network Essentials settings, the default /contact destination would show a blank page.
  3. When moving posts into a Persona channel, the post would inadvertently turn into a Ghost Post. This was a bug introduced along along with that feature in v3.35.6.

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