product release notesArticle30 Aug, 2022
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:12 PM

Release notes for 3.35.4

Updates in this release - 1. Event post type stops registration upon reaching registration end date, or 0 seats; 2. Issues fixed - Tag filtering, Blurbs component image quality, garbage collection of a deleted post, unsetting of landing page, blank Component library


  1. The Event post type has some enhancements: Stop event registration when Registration end date has expired, or if there are no more seats left. Read more in the help article.
  2. The size of the Network site logo has been increased from 400x100 px to 800x200px.
  3. More features can now be seen under Hero dashboard > Plan & billing > Plan details

Issues fixed

  1. Tag filtering in the Hero dashboard search-filter component would intermittently fail.
  2. The Blurbs component creator would create a lower-than-expected quality image when the aspect ratio was set to 2:1
  3. Removal of a deleted post from super/network/channel feed was not happening. When navigating from a feed card to a post, and then deleting it and navigating back - the card would still be seen in the feed. This was due to a code regression. This is only a visual issue.
  4. The landing page set in the Hero dashboard > Network dashboard > Essential config would intermittently be unset.
  5. Hero dashboard > Component library would be blank (ie the dashboard icons would not show up) intermittently.

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