product release notesArticle12 Oct, 2022
Last edited: 19 Oct, 2022, 5:59 PM

Release notes for 3.35.7

Updates in this release - 1. FormBuilder enhancements - new fields added, and better editing experience; 2. Form filling enhancements - simpler / classic UI; 3. Update of Blurb Component 4. Phone number signup out of beta; 5. Subtle UX tweaks in search; 6. Image editors show chequered background


  1. #FormBuilder enhancements:
  2. 2 new fields are now available - Date and Image.
  3. Editing of form elements is now done in a Modal instead of inline. This is a cleaner UX, without jank since elements are not hidden / reverted in edit mode.
  4. Form filling enhancements:
  5. The form UI has been changed from Material Design to a classical form UI for better readability.
  6. Enter key to create new line is now allowed inside "long text" field.
  7. The Blurb component in #ComponentLibrary has a new variant - side by side image and text, in addition to stacked mode from earlier.
  8. Signup via phone number is available only on certain specialized networks and will not be released on all networks. It can be opted for as a paid add-on. Phone based signup is in addition to the methods supported: email, Google, Facebook and Telegram.
  9. All searches (content, member directory, etc) have some subtle UX tweaks for usability.

UI changes

  1. All image editors now display a chequered background, which is the industry standard, to show transparency for transparent images.
  2. All password fields now have a switch to reveal the password while it being entered. This is helpful to crosscheck if the correct password is being entered.

Issued fixed

  1. Sometimes CDN would not be updated after editing a Ghost Post.

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