product release notesArticle15 Oct, 2024
Last edited: 15 Oct, 2024, 9:38 AM

Release notes for 3.39.1

Updates in this release: 1. Hybrid access for Org and Persona channels; 2. Product variants on MC Commerce; 3. consolidated Member Dashboard; 4. New mapping service for India; 5. Hero dashboard enhancements


  1. Hybrid access ie channel access levels (public, restricted, protected, and private) and access control mechanisms (paywall, magic link, manual approval) is supported on Org and Persona channels. This was previously available only for Topic channels.
  2. Product variants can be created on MC commerce.
  3. Members tools are now available on a consolidated Member Dashboard available at the system destination /member.
  4. A new mapping service is being trialed for India, this is available when creating an offline event and looking up an address by switching on "I am entering an address in India"
  5. Embedded iframes on Featured pages are prevented from needless reloads as far as possible.

UI changes

  1. Hero dashboard enhancements:
  2. On smaller screens, the dashboard menu is accessible as a scrolling navigation bar at the top, rather than the side panel expandable tree menu.
  3. Channel menu shows breadcrumbs, allowing for direct access to the menu tree
  4. On larger screens, the Product Editor shows the section tabs as a vertical navigation strip (while on smaller screens it continues as a scrolling navigation bar at the top)

Issues fixed

  1. Once an address on a map has been search, and a new address is entered to perform another search - the 1st letter of the new address was being inadvertently discarded

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