Content Pages v2
Major #ContentPages enhancement - All content pages (link, poll, conversation and article) now show the full #ChannelFeed. The channel feed can also be filtered based on popular, recent and curated. The channel feed is available on the right column on a wider screen, and below the content on a smaller screen, and is expected to increase engagement with the site multi fold.
Updates to Long Form Editor
New formats available
- Superscript and subscript
- Code block
- Divider
The CodeBlock feature allows inserting and editing blocks of pre–formatted code into the WYSIWYG editor.
// This is a JS example var test = "Hello"; console.log(test);
And here's a spectacular divider
Create and edit now possible on smaller screens
#ArticlePostType using the #LongFormEditor can be created and edited even on a smaller screen, if it is wide enough.