product release notesArticle12 Jun, 2022
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 11:01 PM

Release notes for 3.34.1

Updates in this release - 1. Search enhancements; 2. Onboarding enhancements; 3. Hero Dashboard enhancements; 4. Non public posts cant be embedded; 6. Form Post enhancements; 7. Correct Toast colors

Minor updates

  1. Audit Logging v1 is out of beta.
  2. Search enhancements:
  3. The latest search results are displayed if a user has triggered multiple search requests due to very poor network conditions
  4. After returning to the search page, the last search type and search phrase along with search results are displayed
  5. Search results are cleared when the search type is changed
  6. Onboarding enhancements:
  7. Members have to select whether their account is meant for an Individual or an Organization. Read more in the help page.
  8. Application for Verified badge is streamlined.
  9. #HeroDashboard enhancements:
  10. Every paid Network has a quota of Pro accounts depending on the Tier. Network operators can now upgrade regular Members into Pro (or downgrade them). This facility is available only for Members who have signed up on this Network. Read more in the help page.
  11. Posts from non public channels are not allowed to be embedded.
  12. If Network Roles have been enabled on this Network, then badges cannot be independently created and assigned.
  13. Added help page for components library.

UI changes

  1. Form Post enhancements:
  2. The Form Post type now displays the actual form directly when the post is loaded. Previously the form would open up after a button "Fill the form" was clicked. This potentially reduces 1 interaction friction.
  3. However embedded forms continue to display as earlier, in order to save space. (The actual form only shows when the button "Fill the form" is clicked.)
  4. This behavior can be controlled when embedding - ie one can decide whether or not the actual form will display directly or after the button click, as desired.
  5. Toast colors are now correctly displayed based on the kind of toast - info, warning, success and error.
  6. When a Banner component has a Call to Action button, the entire banner is clickable, instead of just the button.
  7. Banner CTA can point to an internal or external link.

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