product release notesArticle02 Nov, 2021
Last edited: 23 Sep, 2024, 10:59 PM

Release notes for v3.26.0

This release has 2 feature revisions - custom feed v2 and embed v2. Hashtags have been enhanced and 2 new system destinations added

Major updates

  1. Custom feed v2
  2. Custom feeds are now further enhanced and allows for filtering by member ID and hashtags.
  3. Custom feeds can be inserted, as before, on #FeaturedPages creating using the #PageBuilder
  4. Custom feeds can be created on a new system destination - /feed
  5. Custom feeds can be embedded on any other website
  6. A #CustomFeeds Creator has been added to the #HeroDashboard
  7. Read the help article for more info.
  8. Embeds v2
  9. Any user feed can now be turned into an embed
  10. Custom feeds can be embedded on any other website

Minor updates

  1. When inserting #hashtags into posts, suggested hash tags will work irrespective of the capitalization (case)
  2. Two new system destinations have been added: /feed and /hashtags

UI changes

  1. The hashtags card and channels card have "Show all" buttons for better discovery of hashtags and channels on the network

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