- Article derived authoring tools (ie Article Post, General Page, and Help Page) store a single draft per type on the local device, eg one can simultaneously have an Article Post and General Page in draft.
- Drafts are automagically stored based on activity - no user intervention is needed.
- The draft is persistent across open/close of the site / app / browser / browser tab, device sleep, or even a crash etc.
- Whenever the authoring tool is reopened, the earlier draft is automatically loaded.
- The draft can be discarded by clicking the Trash icon on the toolbar at the top.
- This feature is in beta.
- MainCross native #ECommerce enhancements:
- Channel stores, ie Shopfronts can now also list products based on a Dynamic Collection URL
- Marketplace filters on a small screen is now a Modal since Expander was clunky
- Notifications enhancements
- When a successful product purchase is made, in-app and push notifications are delivered to the NCO
- Push notifications added for channel access flows (request, grant, auto via payment and magic link)
- Push notification added for new member signup to NCO (MS-IS-1311-398)
- #Payments enhancements
- Added one time currency selector - base currency
- Minimum search length has been reduced to 3 from 4
- Hero dashboard enhancements:
- Org and Persona channels channel navigation strip can be individually controlled per channel
- Org and Persona channels channel navigation strip can be made compact on small screens (MS-IS-1911-116)
UI changes
- Emoji used in the event mail confirmation changed from calendar to ticket since the calendar emoji is confusing on some platforms
- Shipping and billing addresses for product purchase are now shown in Hero dashboard and confirmation email
Issues fixed
- MS-IS-1811-295 Post not loading error
- MS-IS-1711-308 Setting the json file causes the About page to go blank
- MS-IS-1711-60 Not able to set store currency
- MS-IS-1710-984 This is a tricky bug, as it is dependent on the Machines speed
- Sometimes notification page would crash upon direct opening